Friday, June 1, 2012

Friay Inspiration: What Inspires You?

This Friday, I wanted to show inspiration in another form: true inspiration. I tend to collect images and items that have meaning for me. Something personal - something I feel a connections to. Not necessarily anything spiritual, but just a piece that feels like me. So, here is a piece of me.

Yoga is something I have always wanted to try. After finding so many benefits of doing yoga, I know there is also a health benefit in it. Wouldn't it be awesome to be able to do this? One day sir, one day!
Finding my favorite song - the one that just feels like it could bring my life/day/goals all together in just one melody. And, taking that song and displaying it. What a great idea!
Art Work
I cannot make a post - being a southerner - without mentioning tea. I love tea- it is my morning coffee. I love tea. My favorite being mandarin orange, if you are curious. Tea really is soothing and has that calming effect. One of my absolute favorite things to do is grab a cozy sweater on a fall day and wrap up in a blanket with a book and a hot cup of tea. Bliss- true bliss! far one of my favorite animals. Yes, I know. I should love pigs- bacon is my last name. But, no. How can you say no to an owl as cute as this? I cannot. Weak-at-the-knees adorable. I think he needs a sweet pet on the head or a snuggle. Go on!


So, what inspires my readers? Do you have inspiration from art, music or animals. Maybe you find inspiration other ways. Do tell!

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