Monday, October 29, 2012

Letterboxing Party

I told you guys in my post last week that we were going to place our first letterbox locally. Unfortunately, due to the weather- mostly Hurricane Sandy- it really prevented us from going and venturing out so far. So, instead, we decided to hit up Michael's for goodies to the other letterboxes we plan on placing around RVA. We will plant our first letterbox this weekend, if the weather cooperates!
Our goodies!
As you can see we picked up a lot of goodies (including some items for later boxes). Luckily, we did not have to spend a great deal of money. Anyone that letterboxes can tell you the supplies are rather inexpensive and the hobby is rather easy to pick up. Seriously, we spent $10 total to get the stamps, inkpad, notebooks and containers. Most items were either on clearance or $1, so we did not splurge on anything fancy. Some letterboxers truly get into stamp making and carve their own stamps out of erasers or any other type of material in order to get their perfect stamp. But, you do not have to unless you want to put that extra bit of love into your own box/stamp set.
"Fall Celebration" theme
We decided to make two boxes in addition to our other box -to create three different type of levels of letterboxers. This will be our expert level box- it will be the most difficult of the three to complete the clues and find. I am so excited to place this one. Each of the three items deals with fall - not just one of my favorite seasons of the year but also the time of year I was born, so I truly look foward to placing this one. *Hint: this will be placed at a local park*
"Cookie Monster" theme
This one, however, makes me laugh and I really did love finding items for this letterbox. This will be our super easy find and super easy for kids to enjoy finding as well. This will be a fun scavenger hunt-type of box. One of the reasons we picked out cookie monster is the fact we have both been called that nickname by our co-workers so it adds a bit about us into the letterbox- which we love.

I look forward to having these letterboxes found. If you have stumbled across my blog as a result of finding one of the letterboxes, please comment and let me know!

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